Food photography and styling

Brussels sprout kimchi

This kimchi recipe is a great way to add Asian flavors to your menu. The preparation takes a few days, but the result is worth the wait. Crunchy cabbage with a spicy garlic and ginger flavor, tender texture, and a slight tang – it’s the perfect snack or side dish. Homemade fermentation is a simple and satisfying process that you can easily replicate.


1 kg Brussels sprouts
35 g sea salt
6 garlic cloves
1 tbsp ginger root
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp. oyster sauce
1 tsp. chili pepper flakes
1 tsp. crushed white pepper
1 bunch of dill
1 bunch of young green onions
500 ml mineral water
4 300 ml glass jars


Wash the jars with baking soda and sterilize them in a preheated oven at 100°C (210°F) for 20 minutes. Let cool.

Cut the cabbage into quarters. Place in a pot or bowl.

Add salt and mix the cabbage with the salt using your hands.

Pour water over the cabbage until it is covered. Place a plate on top and weigh it down with something heavy. Leave at room temperature for 1-2 hours.

Rinse the cabbage 3 times and soak it in water for another 20 minutes.

Peel and finely chop the garlic and ginger.

In a large bowl, mix the garlic, ginger, sugar, oyster sauce, spices, and herbs.

Add the cabbage and mineral water. Mix well.

Pack the cabbage tightly into sterilized jars, leaving 2 cm of space at the top.

Pour over the brine and seal with lids.

Leave the kimchi at room temperature for 1-5 days to ferment, occasionally (once a day) opening the jar to release air and mixing.

Then place in the refrigerator. It can be eaten immediately but is better if allowed to sit for another 1-2 weeks.

Recipe and photos were made for Striped Apron magazine, Spring 2021.

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